Best Nine 2016
2016 was our first full year in Greenville and the year we moved into our forever home. Grateful for all of it. #bestnine2016
LB Turns 7
Before the New Year begins, we are finishing out our crazy birthday week with this special girl's birthday. She's my gentle soul and I'm so thankful for her. Happy...
Double Birthday Dinner 2016
Our 12th time celebrating our back-to-back birthdays🎂
Tigger’s Birthday 2016
Happy birthday to a very special guy who has never met a stranger, who would do anything to help a friend, who brings so much fun and laughter into the world (yet...
Christmas Morning 2016
Christmas Photos 2016
Merry Christmas 2016
Merry Christmas Eve from us! #Boydoesntmatch #hisredshirtgotdirty
Advent 2016
We didn't follow through on our advent plans as well as we did in the previous years, simply for the fact that our lives are increasingly becoming busier, especially...