Holidays & Traditions

Advent 2015 Day 3

Advent 2015 Day 3

Help with the Christmas card assembly line and the "Kindness Catcher Elf" comes out. Everyday she will hold a note about an act of kindness she observed from the day before.#holidays2015 #advent2015

Advent 2015 Day 2

Advent 2015 Day 2

Day 2 of Parry Advent: make fun Christmas treats for our growth group. I can say, this was the 1st time we made something together and I actually enjoyed it. Thank you, Pinterest, for simple mess-free ideas. #advent2015 #holidays2015

The Proposal Story

The Proposal Story

10 years ago today will always remain as one of my favorite days. My boyfriend of 6 months suggested that we go watch the sunrise at the beach. This was not unusual, since we had done so a month prior. I wasn't overly ecstatic that morning, thinking, "It's too early."...

Best Kind of Friend

Best Kind of Friend

I have a friend who consistently sends me something in the mail (for holidays or "just because") even though I'm horrible at returning the gesture. She is truly one of a kind. It always brightens a busy momma's day when I get "Mail" the old school way and especially...
