Mommy’s & Daddy’s Birthdays

Due to no longer having built-in babysitters in town, we were not able to go out on our annual birthday celebration dinner. Instead, on my (Mommy’s) birthday, we met up with our friends from Jacksonville. They were vacationing in North Carolina, so we met them in Hendersonville, NC, for some play time at the children’s museum and lunch afterwards.

Here’s my Instagram post from that day:

What a great way to spend my birthday! We drove up to Hendersonville to catch up with our friends from Jax who were visiting the area. We each have 4 kids- our oldests were born a month apart and so were our youngests. I felt bad for the waiter when we walked in with EIGHT kids (7 girls + Nator). It was great to catch up and the girls so enjoyed their reunion.#friendshipblessings #birthdayfun

One of their girls let the waiter know that it was my birthday. So the whole crew came to sing for me with some very yummy desserts. It was a fun surprise.

On Daddy’s birthday, it was very much back to the grind from the holidays. We did manage to sing to him at the end of the day.

Here’s my social media post on Daddy’s birthday:

What can I say – he is my hero, my love, my comedian, my 4 babies’ daddy, my encouragement, my shoulder to cry on, my helper, my partner, my friend…simply put, he’s my favorite. Happy birthday to this amazing guy who means everything to me.

Here’s my social media post on the annual jumbo cupcake tradition (posted on 12/30):

Today is our one day break from the crazy festivities. Before there were 6 of us, it was the 4 of us for 3.5 years. Birthdays all within 12 days of one another.These jumbo cupcakes have been our bday tradition and I’m glad the Publix here in Greenville got them right just by me describing it to them. 6 of us each take a bite out of one cupcake on that person’s bday. We freeze P’s and by the time we take a bite of hers, we each will have eaten enough to make up for a whole piece (well, maybe not quite) ☺️ #TeamParry #birthdayfun
